Instructions to register will have been emailed all accepted attendees. If you have not received an email from, please be in touch
The conference registration is an all-inclusive fee, covering all programmed conference activities. This will also cover morning/afternoon tea, lunch, and dinner for all full conference days. Additionally, to make the conference as accessible as possible to those travelling to Melbourne, this fee includes accommodation with a light breakfast.
Payment of the registration fee will open 14th September, and will be processed through a secure portal hosted by University of Melbourne. All values are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and include GST.
Registration type
Gold Member*
Platinum Member**
Full fee
$ 350
$ 315
$ 280
Day Only (Exc. accommodation)
$ 300
$ 270
$ 240
*Gold member fee is applicable to members of ANFF, ARC EQUS, and Blackmagic Design.
**Platinum member fee is applicable to members of Optica and SPIE.
Please note that due to limited space, applicants from Melbourne institutions will not receive accommodation for the week by default and will receive a registration discount.
If you are from Melbourne and feel you have a need, please include how you would benefit from accommodation in the abstract submission. Please be aware we cannot guarantee an outcome at this stage.